Ultrasound in pregnancy
Most children are born healthy. However, all women of all ages have a probability of up to 5% of a physically or mentally handicapped child. The ultrasound examination is an imaging procedure, which, according to current knowledge, causes no damage to the mother and child. The ultrasound examination has limitations: even with good device quality, the greatest care and experience of the examiner, malformations can remain undetected. This is particularly true in the case of difficult examination conditions due to the child's position or the maternal abdominal wall. There are, however, ultrasound examinations in pregnancy with different meaningfulness. What research you make will remain your own decision. The following information will help you make this decision:

1. General Ultrasound in the Ordination: proof of the heart beat, amount of fruit water, size and position of the child, as of SSW 18 sex determination on request (at all appointments in the ordination)

NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test) from the blood of the mother: determination of the child's DNA.

1st trimester screening, neck fold measurement
