Hospital services

Supplementary to the examination and treatment in the ordination, sometimes ambulatory and inpatient treatments in the hospital are necessary. Here I can offer you my many years of experience in the following areas:

St. Josef Krankenhaus in Wien 13

Obstetrical care (private birth support)

Vaginal delivery
Vacuum Delivery
Caesarean section

Gynecological treatments:

Extended diagnosis of dysplasia (in pathological cancer smears)
Hysteroscopy (diagnostic and operative)
Abdominal Surgeons (Laparoscopy)
Children 's wishes
Operations on the ovaries (as organically as possible) in cysts, teratomas, adhesions, tube closure

Operations on the uterus (as organically as possible), myotomatics
Laparoscopic, laparoscopic, vaginal or laparotomic procedures

Endometriosis operations

Uro-gynecological operations
Surgery for lowering and incontinence
Blow up (plastic)
Net implants for reduction of the incision